iGTB Intellect

Sibos 2023 Day 1 Highlights: iGTB's Momentous Start

The curtain has lifted on Day 1 of Sibos 2023, and it was nothing short of electric! Let me take you on a quick journey of the day’s most memorable moments.


Awards and Applause:

Let’s begin with a standing ovation for the iGTB Intellect Payments team for winning the ‘Excellence in Treasury & Payments’ Award.  Michael Devlin – Senior Vice President at Intellect Design Arena and Joe Conidi – Senior Vice President & Client Partner at Intellect Design Arena collected the award on their behalf.

iGTB at Sibos 2023

And, not to be overshadowed, David Hennah has secured the ‘Lifetime Achievement in Trade’ award. This sets an inspiring benchmark for the rest of Sibos.

David Hennah has secured the 'Lifetime Achievement in Trade' award.

iGTB Copilot's Grand Takeoff:

The morning saw a fusion of tech giants, as Bill Borden CVP Financial Services  at Microsoft and our own Manish Maakan unveiled iGTB Copilot at Booth E30. This partnership promises great strides ahead. To complement this, we rolled out a global press releaseIntellect announces the launch of iGTB Copilot: AI-powered Commercial & Corporate Banking Suite 

For more insights, catch Bill’s thoughts on this collaboration on LinkedIn

And what’s a launch without a bit of fanfare? Our booth was abuzz with media, analysts, and bankers. The live iGTB Copilot demo by Upps and Rajesh Makhija turned heads and sparked conversations. We’re not just talking about the future anymore – we’re shaping it.

iGTB Copilot Lauch at Sibos 2023
iGTB Copilot Lauch at Sibos 2023
iGTB Copilot Lauch at Sibos 2023

In tandem with this, we also had a ringing endorsement from Microsoft’s Peter Hazou, reinforcing the strength of our joint partnership. His statement is a must-watch!. Catch his enthusiastic endorsement in the video 

Spotlight on Upps:

Upps was in his element on the Exhibitors’ stage, delving deep into the Consumerisation of Commercial Banking, a Technology Strategy. His ability to keep the audience on the edge of their seats was palpable.

iGTB at Sibos 2023
iGTB at Sibos 2023

He then delved into demystifying eMach.ai, elucidating the ABC’s of eMach.ai for Commercial Banking, captivating a full house from start to finish 

iGTB at Sibos 2023

iGTB Copilot Live Demo:

Our real-time demo was the talk of the event. The excitement was clear – our vision is alive and in action.

iGTB at Sibos 2023
iGTB at Sibos 2023

Here’s a banker taking iGTB Copilot for a Spin –

iGTB at Sibos 2023

eMach.ai, The Experience Zone:

The eMach.ai Experience Zone was a hub of innovation, allowing bankers to craft their Own Signature Solutions

iGTB at Sibos 2023
iGTB at Sibos 2023

Team Triumphs: Our Sibos contingent pictured below, missing a few, with some offstage engaging clients and others evaluating the competition, comprises of Manish Maakan | Uppili Srinivasan | Atanu Ganguli | Rajesh Saxena | Hitesh Gulati | Selvakumanran S | Borna Ljubicic | Debal Dutt | Sachin Salian | Syed Quader | Dave Revell | Sanjay Israni | Xavier Ader | Sriv Venkatesh | Deepa Santhanam | Rajesh Makhija | Prashant Lalchandani | Balakrishnan Narasimhan | Ravichandran Sankaran | Joshua Cohen | Steve Vanstone | David Hennah | Vivek Deshpande | Mary Lee Muir | Maria Sankar  

iGTB at Sibos 2023
iGTB at Sibos 2023

We eagerly anticipate a complete team snapshot tomorrow.

Join Our Narrative! Engage with our story by checking out our LinkedIn post. Repost, comment, and share how Intellect iGTB has been pivotal for you and your clients.

iGTB at Sibos 2023

Day 2 promises even more. Stay tuned for the unfolding chapters.