iGTB Intellect

The Perfect Storm whitepaper

The Perfect Storm - Opportunities and
Threats on the Horizon

7 Focus Themes of Market Perspectives from PMC Treasury

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The speed of financial risk is real-time, but most corporate Treasury operating models are batch

As real-time payments are adopted, transactions will settle throughout the day. In today’s batch world, transactions largely settle overnight (except for largely predictable collection activities and known urgent payments), while in the new real-time world, understanding one’s cash position and the level of precision in the cash forecast becomes vastly more critical

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Fraud risk is intensifying at the intersection of digital channels and social engineering

Treasury departments beset with staffing challenges or turnover are particularly vulnerable and would clearly benefit from stronger controls and predictive intelligence to flag and prevent fraud

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Supply chains are normalizing post-COVID, but many companies have significant friction and inefficiency in the working capital cycle

Companies are trying to digitize and automate the working capital cycle to maximize efficiency and accelerate execution and insights. Winning firms will leverage data and disciplined management processes to improve forecasting and collaboration around exceptions and disputes through integration of critical data with customers and suppliers

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We face economic uncertainty - exacerbated by increased political risk - with attendant risks to shifts in rates, inflation, and currencies

Many companies were unprepared for the impact of recent events on currency, interest rate and commodity markets and incurred financial losses as a result. Today’s turbulent market suggests that additional “tail events” could arise

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Banks must construct a diversified operating franchise to thrive in the face of changing customer behavior

The recent banking crisis reminded treasurers and CFOs that uninsured bank deposits – and moreover, the ability to clear transactions – are only as secure as a bank’s credit position. With the increase in interest rates, firms are also waking up to the value of their cash and increasingly seeking yield

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Corporates and banks must do more with less in a period of accelerating change – and hiring, developing, retaining staff is harder than ever

Most treasury and finance functions are small and sub-scale: prone to key-person risk, with disjointed data and technology, and inadequate automation and process orchestration. CFOs and Treasurers must address this challenge in multiple ways

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Everyone knows AI is going to change the world, but how it will do so – especially for Treasury groups is unclear

Encourage deposits by splitting cash into operational and non-operational balances. Create a win-win situation for the bank and the customer by earning higher returns through maturity transformation and passing on some of the benefits to the customer. Analyze, measure, and report account behavior to gain insights into accounts that are close to meeting operational qualification.

3 Key Strategic Market Directions Adopted by Banks from Intellect Global Transaction Banking

In other words, the needs of the end users in commercial banking is increasingly being driven by the focus on “consumerization”, which is literally the way in which the behavioral, operational and technological aspects of an individual consumer shapes up and dominates how businesses think and work

If you break it down to the basics, when banks look at enabling Transaction Banking capabilities for their clients, they trying to solve for 3 basic needs, which are to Make Money, Move Money and Manage Money

 Banks of today are faced with the need to create a highly competitive environment where the need to identify themselves as a best-in-breed offering for their clients dominates the thought behind creating a solution that is highly unique to the bank, which means that has to be extremely composable

3 Key Strategic Market Directions Adopted by Banks from Intellect Global Transaction Banking
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We are in a perfect storm for CFOs, Treasurers, and Bankers. Get the insights now!